Mmass of hexane
Mmass of hexane

mmass of hexane

Flame Temperatures - Gases - Adiabatic flame temperatures for common fuel gases - propane, butane, acetylene and more - in air or oxygen atmospheres.Ethylene - Thermophysical Properties - Chemical, physical and thermal properties of ethylene, also called ethene, acetene and olefiant gas.Compression and Expansion of Gases - Isothermal and isentropic gas compression and expansion processes.Carbon Dioxide - Thermophysical Properties - Chemical, physical and thermal properties of carbon dioxide.Temperature and Pressure - Figures and table with changes in Prandtl number for carbon dioxide with changes in temperature and pressure. Butane - Thermophysical Properties - Chemical, physical and thermal properties of n-Butane.Benzene - Thermophysical properties - Chemical, physical and thermal properties of benzene, also called benzol.Air - Molecular Weight and Composition - Dry air is a mixture of gases where the average molecular weight (or molar mass) can be calculated by adding the weight of each component.Acetone - Thermophysical Properties - Chemical, physical and thermal properties of acetone, also called 2-propanone, dimethyl ketone and pyroacetic acid.Material Properties - Material properties of gases, fluids and solids - densities, specific heats, viscosities and more.See also Physical data for hydrocarbons, Physical data for alcohols and carboxylic acids, Physical data for organic nitrogen compounds and Physical data for organic sulfur compounds To calculate the molecular weight of ethanol, the molecular weight of each atom in the molecule is summed: The atomic weights of the elements found in organic substances are C = 12.011, H = 1.008, S = 32.065, O = 15.999, and N = 14.007.Įxample: The molecular weight of ethanol (C 2H 5OH)

mmass of hexane

The molecular weight of a pure compound is determined from its chemical formula and the atomic weights of its elements. For this reason, in many cases the unit for the molecular weight is not mentioned however, one must realize that it is not a dimensionless parameter. Molecular weight is represented by the same number in all unit systems regardless of the system used. In the SI system the unit of M is and in the English system the unit is, while in the cgs system the unit of M is. The molecular weight of a substance, also called the molar mass, M, is the mass of 1 mole of that substance, given in M gram.

Mmass of hexane